Dry Eye Clinic

Our clinics use specialized diagnostic tests to determine the cause of dry eye, so that the underlying causes can be treated. Treatments range from simple at-home therapies to cutting-edge in-office treatments using InMode's Forma radiofrequency (RF) and Lumecca intense pulsed light (IPL) technologies, which also have the added beauty benefits of skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Woman rubbing her eyes because they are dry and irritated – Dry eye clinic – Blocked oil glands expression

What Is Dry Eye Disease

Dry eye disease (DED) is a common condition that occurs when your tears cannot lubricate your eyes effectively. It is also known as ocular surface disease (OSD).

What Causes Dry Eye

There are many factors that cause dry eye, but typically, the eyes are dry from meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD). These oil-producing glands in the eyelids can become plugged and damaged with ageing, hormonal changes, eye-makeup and contact lens wear, screen-time, as well as in certain diseases and from many common medications. A very common cause of MGD is blepharitis, especially in the presence of demodex mites.

How Does Dry Eye Feel

Dry eye is associated with irritation, redness, foreign-body sensation and crusting. Dry eye can also cause watering and fluctuating vision, making it difficult to focus. Symptoms may be more noticeable at different times of the day or while doing certain activities such as reading, driving, watching TV and looking at phone and computer screens. Contact lens wearers might suffer from discomfort and shortened wearing-time.

What Happens If Dry Eye Is Not Treated

Disruption of the tear film can lead to damage and inflammation of the eye's surface, including its nerves, which can cause the absence of dry eye symptoms. Whether or not there are symptoms, it is important to treat dry eye disease before inflammation and damage occurs to the eye. Untreated dry eye can lead to the loss of meibomian glands, corneal scarring and infection. Treating dry eye in the early stages is always the best option, as well as before cataract surgery to optimize vision and comfort afterwards.

How To Treat Dry Eye

Boardwalk Optometry recognizes that in order to effectively manage dry eye disease, the root causes must first be identified. Warm eyelid compresses with massage, and keeping the eyelid margins clean are helpful in dry eye disease, but may not be enough. Our clinics offer revolutionary dry eye treatments with best-in-class InMode technology, that also rejuvenates and makes the treated area look younger at the same time! InMode technology used in dry eye treatments include Forma-I radiofrequency energy (RF) and Lumecca-I intense pulsed light (IPL). Our clinics also offer professional eyelid cleaning with BlephEx micro-blepharoexfoliation, as well as meibomian gland expression while topical and oral agents are also treatment options.

How To Treat Dry Eye With Forma Radiofrequency (RF) And Lumecca Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Using both RF and IPL together is revolutionizing dry eye treatment. The InMode Forma-I RF and Lumecca-I IPL applicators have precise depth and temperature control making procedures in the delicate skin around the eyes very effective.

The combination of RF and IPL decreases inflammation and improves the integrity of the meibomian glands. Additionally, the doctor will gently unclog the obstructed gland ducts located in both the upper and lower lids. Dry eye treatments using either RF or IPL on its own, combined with meibomian gland expression, will also improve the health and function of the meibomian glands, however using RF and IPL together will yield better results. Dry eye treatment with combined RF and IPL is comprised of four sessions spaced 4 weeks apart, while a maintenance session is recommended every 6-12 months.

What Is Forma And Forma-I

Forma and Forma-l are bipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy treatments developed by inMode to deliver thermal energy to the dermis of the skin. RF stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, and tightens existing collagen. Treatment with RF reduces inflammation and improves the structural integrity of the meibomian glands located in the eyelids. The Forma-I hand-piece was specifically designed for use around the delicate areas of the eyes and is Health Canada approved to treat dry eye caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).

What Is The Forma Dry Eye RF Treatment Schedule

Dry eye treatments using RF typically consist of four sessions spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart, with a maintenance session at least every 6 months. Results might vary among individuals while more advanced cases may require additional sessions for best results.

What Does Forma RF Do For Skin

Forma-I and Forma use radiofrequency (RF) energy to stimulate both collagen and elastin production, and to tighten existing collagen. Collagen and elastin maintain elasticity of the skin, however they both start to decline between the ages of 25-30. Radiofrequency therapy increases collagen by 16-25% and is FDA approved to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Woman receiving Forma I radiofrequency – dry eye treatment – Meibomian

What Is The Forma Facial RF Treatment Schedule

Aesthetic RF treatments typically consist of eight sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart, with a maintenance session at least every 6 months. Results might vary among individuals while more mature skin may require additional sessions for best results.

Is Forma RF Safe And Is There Downtime

Forma and Forma-I provide unprecedented safety of RF delivery because InMode RF devices are bipolar as opposed to monopolar, so the depth of energy penetration is precise and limited. InMode RF devices also have heat sensors that measure the skin’s temperature 1000 times per second, never allowing the skin to overheat beyond the target temperature. Neither Forma-I nor Forma have any down time at all.

Forma Contraindications:

  • Pacemaker or internal defibrillator
  • Permanent metal implants ( e.g. dental) in the treatment area
  • Treatment within 1cm from cochlear implants in the ear
  • Cosmetic fillers in the last 6 months, Botox within the last 7 days
  • Pregnancy and nursing
  • Under 18 years of age unless with parental consent

Cautions for Forma:

  • Current or history of skin cancer, suspicious or active lesions, or premalignant moles (Avoid treatment if you have active or suspicious lesions in the treatment area.)
  • HA/collagen/fat/silicone fillers and injections within the last 6 months, and Botox within the last 7 days
  • A history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex (cold sores, zoster blisters) in the treatment area ( Valtrex 500mg can be taken twice a day for 2 days prior to treatment, and 5 days after treatment for prophylaxis. Genital Herpes is not a concern.)
  • Severe systemic illness or disease
  • Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases or use of medications
  • Use of Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the last 6 months
  • Poorly controlled diabetes with vascular complications (Due to poor healing.)
  • Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last three months or before complete healing
  • Facial laser resurfacing, facial dermabrasion, and deep chemical peeling within the last three months
  • History of skin disorders such as keloid scarring, abnormal wound healing, as well as very dry and fragile skin
  • Vitiligo (Best to avoid because heat can alter pigmentation.)

Day of Forma Treatment:

  • Please arrive without creams or makeup on the treatment area and have your hair tied back.

What to Expect after Forma:

  • Your skin will appear pink for a few hours, but it is fine to wear make-up. You may experience mild swelling

Potential Forma Side Effects:

  • Skin will look pink or red
  • Mild edema or swelling
  • Blistering and crusting
  • Mild pain

Most side effects will resolve within hours.

Blistering and crusting are rare, however if these occur, please apply a thin layer of over-the-counter antibiotic such as Polysporin 3 times a day and notify the clinic.

What Is Lumecca And Lumecca-I

Both Lumecca and Lumecca-I are intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments developed by InMode for use on the face, neck, hands, and chest to improve a variety of skin issues, especially rosacea. IPL is also an effective treatment of dry eye that improves the integrity and function of the meibomian glands by reducing inflammation and killing demodex in the eyelids. IPL is FDA approved to treat dry eye caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and the Lumecca-I hand-piece was specifically designed for use around the delicate areas of the eyes.

What Is The Lumecca Dry Eye IPL Treatment Schedule

Dry eye IPL treatments typically consist of four sessions spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart, with a recommended maintenance session every 6-12 months. Results might vary among individuals while more advanced cases of dry eye may require additional sessions for best results.

What Does Lumecca IPL Do For Skin

Lumecca IPL is a skin rejuvenating treatment that improves the color and texture of the skin without surgery. It can remove brown spots from sun damage on the face, neck, hands, and chest and it can also make blotchy skin look more even. IPL in the winter months is a great time to reverse some of the photoaging that occurs when enjoying outdoor sports and activities.

Woman with ocular rosacea receiving Lumecca IPL – dry eye treatment for Meibomian – gland disease

What Is The Lumecca Facial IPL Treatment Schedule

Aesthetic IPL treatments typically consist of four sessions spaced 4 weeks apart, depending on skin colouration, with a maintenance session every 6 -12 months. Results might vary among individuals while some areas of concern may require additional sessions for best results.

Is Lumecca IPL Safe And Is There Downtime

InMode ensures high safety standards with Lumecca's sapphire cooling tip, which protects the skin's surface from over-heating. Lumecca and Lumecca-I are FDA approved therapeutic dry eye treatments that have been proven effective in treating dry eye resulting from meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and neither have any down time at all.

Lumecca Contraindications:

  • Fitzpatrick V-VI skin type (rarely burns or easily tans), or if you have melasma
  • Tanning within the last 3-4 weeks
  • Use of Isotretinoin (Accutane) within 6 months prior to treatment or current use of doxycycline
  • Not for treatment over tattoos or permanent makeup
  • Cosmetic fillers in the last 6 months, Botox within the last 7 days
  • History of skin cancer, active or suspicious lesions in the treatment area
  • Pregnancy/nursing mothers
  • Under 18 years of age unless with parental consent

Cautions for Lumecca:

  • A history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex (cold sores, zoster blisters) in the treatment area (Valtrex 500mg can be taken twice a day for 2 days prior to treatment, and 5 days after treatment for prophylaxis. Genital Herpes is not a concern.)
  • Severe systemic illness or disease
  • Impaired immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases or use of medications
  • Use of Isotretinoin (Accutane) within the last 6 months
  • Poorly controlled diabetes with vascular complications (Safe in controlled diabetics but only on the face, not on extremities.)
  • Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last three months or before complete healing
  • Facial laser resurfacing, facial dermabrasion, and deep chemical peeling within the last three months
  • History of skin disorders such as keloid scarring, abnormal wound healing, as well as very dry and fragile skin (In the unlikely event of a blister forming, scarring can happen.)
  • Diseases which may be stimulated by light at the wavelengths used, such as history of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Porphyria, and Epilepsy
  • Vitiligo
  • Treating over tattoos or permanent makeup (OK to treat the rest of the face, but not lips, brows and eyelids.)
  • Excessively tanned skin from sun, tanning beds or tanning creams and sprays within the last two weeks (IPL targets pigment and tanned skin as pigment near the surface, so IPL can cause burns on freshly tanned skin. OK to treat older tans (3-4 weeks), but not active tans like youwould get from basking in the sun for an hour without sunscreen.)
  • Current or prior history of Gold Therapy (IPL can heat up the gold fragments.)

Pre Lumecca Instructions:

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to and post treatment.
  • Avoid self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Inform the doctor if you are taking blood thinners or aspirin and ibuprofen on a regular basis.
  • Avoid alcohol for 2 days prior to treatment.
  • Inform the doctor if you have taken Accutane in the past 12 months.
  • Have ice packs in your freezer ready for post IPL care if necessary.

Day of Lumecca Treatment:

  • Please arrive without wearing contact lenses, creams or makeup on the treatment area, and have your hair tied back.

What to Expect after Lumecca:

  • Your skin will appear pink for a few hours, but it is fine to wear make-up.
  • Brown spots and freckles MAY appear darker, you may experience a coffee ground like appearance over treated areas - please allow them to fade on their own, do not rub them off or exfoliate for 7-10 days.
  • Cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off - wrap compress to avoid direct contact before applying to skin) will relieve redness and swelling.

Potential Lumecca Side Effects:

  • Skin will look pink or red
  • Mild edema or swelling
  • Mild hyper or hypo pigmentation
  • Burning / stinging
  • Temporary discolouration /bruising of the skin
  • Blistering and crusting
  • Mild pain
  • Facial hair loss

Most side effects will resolve within one week other than facial hair loss. Blistering and crusting are rare, however if these occur, please apply a thin layer of over-the-counter antibiotic such as Polysporin 3 times a day and notify the clinic. Please do not pick at the skin nor expose it to dirty surfaces.

Post Lumecca Care:

  • Use mild cleansers and moisturizers daily on your skin.
  • No hot showers for 48 hours.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, Ibuprofen, consuming alcohol, heavy exertion and activities which may cause flushing for 2 days after treatment.
  • Avoid harsh topical products such as retinols and glycolic acid products for one week post treatment.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area and use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater (every two hours if outdoors) for 4 to 6 weeks after treatment.
  • No swimming in pools with chemicals such as chlorine for 48 hrs.
  • No hot tubbing for 48 hours.
  • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration for 48 hrs post treatment.
  • Do not pick at or remove any loosening or peeling skin.
  • No electrolysis, facial waxing or hair removal products for 14 days after treatment.

In-Office Eyelid Cleaning


BlephEx is a quick and gentle in-office treatment to address inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) by removing biofilm made up of excess bacteria, toxins and debris along the lid margins. This biofilm can cause blepharitis and loss of meibomian glands. If you suffer from dry eyes or are unable to wear contact lenses comfortably, BlephEx may be a great starting point for improved comfort.

Clean eyelid – Blepharitis – BlephEx – Contact lens intolerance

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Boardwalk Optometry
10160 152 Street Suite A3 South Surrey, BC V3R 9W3
Tel: 604 589-7311

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How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at 604 589-7311.